

  • Instrument specific Musical Terminology - Keyboard/Piano anatomy and understanding the different parts of the Keyboard/Piano.
  • Correct Posture - Correct posture is a very important aspect of learning any instrument, it not only helps in playing efficiently but also helps you practise for a long duration of time without the change of any injury.
  • Note Recognition - In order to play the tunes, you need to know the notes on the keyboard. It will make your life easy and you can easily navigate along the keyboard.
  • Playing Notes with Metronome - Without proper rhythm music can sound horrible thus from the beginning you need to work on rhythm sense. Metronome is a tool that will help you to develop a good rhythm sense. You will learn to use the metronome.
  • Practice Schedule - In order to learn any instrument, a disciplined practice is extremely important. You are going to develop that habit right from the very beginning.

Keys and Scales

  • Intervals - Interval means the distance between any two notes. Learning intervals is very important and gradually you get to know more about relative pitch which in turn helps you in ear training as well. You will learn more on this in details later.
  • Major, Minor Pentatonic and Blues Scales - Scales are the foundation or building block of any song or piece of music. You are going to learn step by step different scales and their uses.
  • Scale Drills in different keys - By now you are already aware that there are 12 key notes and not all songs are written in the same key. Two of your favorite songs can be in two different keys like D major and F major, thus practising drills in different keys opens the way for learning different songs in any key in future. There are innumerable great drills to be practiced over the years to make you aware of different patterns on the keyboard. This helps you not only to develop muscle memory but also to gradually learn to hear and play things on the keyboard (don’t be impatient, it takes time).
Piano keys and scale learning

Sheet Music Notation

  • Introduction to Staff Notation - Staff notation is an international standard language for reading and writing music. Music is a language, and so like any other language reading and writing is an important part of learning music. You are going to learn Staff notation. It will help you to learn many beautiful pieces of music ever written and available on sheet music.
  • Reading and Playing from Sheet Music - Learning concepts is never going to make you understand something deeply until you start applying it practically. Reading from Music Sheet or Sheet Music will help you to understand the notations better as you can finally hear what is written on the sheet through your instrument. Isn’t it fascinating?
Music sheet notation of piano and keyword


  • Introduction to Chords - Chords are nothing but multiple notes played together. Not random notes, there are set patterns and formulas for different chords. Step by Step, as per your level / progress, different chord forms, from basic to advanced, will unlock.
  • Triad Formation, Classification and Playing - Triads are three-note chords, as you may already guess, same three notes can be found in so many different combinations and locations on the keyboard thus you will get to know and practise some logical combinations to begin with.
  • Basic Chords (Major, Minor, Dom7) - There are different types of chords like Major, Minor, Dominant, Diminished, Augmented, Suspended, Added, etc. You are going to learn the basic ones for now.
  • Knowledge and application of Chord Inversions – As discussed before, there can be different combinations or shapes of a triad, this is exactly what you are going to look into now. Those different shapes starting with different intervals are called Inversions of any Chord. Happy learning the shapes and applications of inversions.
  • Block Chords – After learning and figuring out the notes of any chord, playing them together in the instrument will result in Block Chords playing. This will train not only the fingers to navigate smoothly but also the ears to recognise any chord perfectly in any music. This is the basic and the easiest way to play any chord. You will learn to play a few pieces with accompanying Block Chords.
  • Arpeggios – Arpeggio playing on Piano/Keyboard is a great way to achieve flowing sound to represent harmonic structures melodically. Arpeggios are broken chords, where you play the notes of the chord separately rather than playing all of them simultaneously. This opens up the possibility of innumerable interesting ascending and descending patterns. Arpeggio playing is not restricted to any specific genre of music, you hear its extensive use in Classical to Contemporary music. This one word topic is as vast as an ocean as you explore different chord types from Maj, Min, Dim, etc. etc.
  • 5th Chords with LH Patterns – Holding 5th Chords or Power Chords with Left Hand is an essential part of Piano/Keyboard playing. Not only it sounds cool but also it paves the way for Left- and Right-hand independence, which is the sole purpose of this journey. It will make more sense as you proceed to the next topics.
  • Chord Progressions – Chord progression, as the name suggests, is nothing but a sequence of chords played one after the other in a piece of music. Chord progressions are song writers’ tool to write the harmony of music. Any piece of music you hear or want to learn will have an underlying chord progression (when played by the composer, it can be interpreted). A lot of fun awaits. Stay Tuned!
  • LH accompaniment chords with RH melody – Connecting the dots, this is what were being talked about or preparing for in the previous topics. Now it will make sense. Now you are ready to explore left- and right-hand independence as we attempt to play chords with left hand and melody with the right hand. So, in short you are now the complete band taking care of the harmony and the melody all by yourself. The door to a whole new world has opened. Congrats! Your patience persistence and perseverance paid off.
Piano chords


  • Introduction to basic Rhythms with Bars, Beats, Sub-beats & Time Signature - Rhythm is one of the most important aspect of music. Developing a good rhythm sense is mandatory in order to be able to play music. Although most of us are not born with a good rhythm sense yet there are practices to solve this problem. Here you learn in details the standard representation of rhythm with the help of tools for keeping time and denoting the length of the notes. You will come across different technical terms like Bars, Beats, Sub- Beats and Time Signature etc. You are going to learn in details the above terminology and their practical applications in Reading and Writing music.
  • 8th Notes (Straight / Swing) & Sixteenth Notes – Eighth and sixteenth notes also known as quavers and semi-quavers respectively in music are some of the fundamental rhythmic value in music. These vary in the duration of sustain, e.g. an eighth note is half of the value of a quarter note or crotchet and a sixteenth note is half of an eighth note. In practical application it opens up a lot of rhythmic opportunities. You can play more notes in a bar without changing the tempo. In Blues and Jazz, the eighth notes are often played in a little different manner which make it sound groovier. In music term we call it “Swing Feel”. Here the second eighth note is a bit delayed. You will learn in details the difference between straight and swing feel in class.
  • Basic Rhythmic Transcription – Understanding the rhythm and to notate it properly as per the meter is extremely important in understanding, playing and composing music. While listening to any piece of music, you will learn to find the beat, the length of the measure, beat division and other important parameters of a rhythm. Understanding all the above, you will be able to notate the rhythm in a simple or easy to use notations.
  • Practising various Rhythm Patterns – The last few lessons have opened up the possibilities of infinite permutations and combinations when it comes to rhythm. So, now you are going to the most logical and popular rhythm patterns that are found used in popular music. This will help you to recognize and understand different rhythm patterns by listening to any piece of music at your level.
  • Playing Chords and melody with specific Rhythm Patterns – Now to be more specific about the practical application of the rhythmic patterns you need to learn a bunch of examples to commit these movements into your muscle memory. Playing lots and lots of different chord progressions and melody with specific rhythm patterns will do the job for you.
  • Playing Arpeggios with specific rhythm patterns – Playing Arpeggios in different rhythm patterns to suit specific melodies, is the basic goal of this lesson. You will learn a few specific arpeggios with iconic all-time favourite rhythm patterns.
Piano rthymn

Ear Training

  • Knowledge of Pitch and Intervals – Knowledge of Intervals and Pitch is very important during this learning process. The distance between the two pitches is the interval which is measured in semitones. You will learn to recognise these different intervals by ear and learn and play the different pitches in different notes.
  • Listening to a few songs and identifying scales of these – All songs are based on certain musical scales. Listening, understanding and identifying the scale of the song is a very Important part of this training. You will be able to listen to any piece and identify the scale of the piece.
  • Identifying the bass instruments and the rhythms played –While listening to any piece of music, you will learn to identify the various bass instruments, the notes played on those instruments, and the various rhythm patterns which is accompanying the melody. This will help you to compose a few motifs with different bass accompaniments of your choice.
  • Transcribing all these into notations and playing the melodies with the instrument – You will learn to transcribe all the above, melody as well as bass instruments, into proper notations which will be easy to understand while playing.
  • Identifying matching chords and rhythm for the piece – You will now learn to identify matching chords for the scale. You will also learn which rhythm pattern will suit the melody. Knowing all the above, you are now ready to play any piece which you heard with proper matching chords and rhythm.
Ear trainning


  • Five Finger Drills
  • One Octave Drlls
  • Both Hands Drills
  • Basic Hanon Exercises
  • Strengthening all fingers for correct fingering style
  • Developing basic independence of both hands
  • Syncopation Exercises

Music Theory

  • Scales
  • Chords
  • Modes
  • Circle of Fifths


  • Basic introduction and theory
  • Various techniques in RH and LH for accompanying a singer / musician

Popular Piano Pieces

  • Learning to play a few popular piano pieces with basic chords and rhythm patterns

Evergreen Popular Songs

Learning to play a few popular

  • Bollywood Songs
  • Patriotic Songs
  • Evergreen Pop songs

Trinity College London Syllabus – Piano and E-Keyboard - Classical & Jazz

  • Preparing Pieces, Scales and Exercises with perfection for TCL examinations
  • Assisting in examination submission



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